Helping ADM Save 2.3 Billion Gallons of Water

As one of the world’s largest food and agriculture companies, Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) Company finds itself at the crossroads of a number of critical global challenges. The world’s population is increasing, and people are becoming wealthier. Higher incomes lead to changing diets, and more and more people moving from rural to urban areas. As a result of these trends, demand for food, water and energy is growing and evolving.
ADM has a key role to play in feeding the world, and it counts environmental responsibility among its core values. In alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the company aims to:
- Reduce water usage intensity by 15 percent by 2019
- Reduce energy intensity by 15 percent by 2020
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions intensity by 15 percent by 2020

ADM worked with Ecolab to develop a sustainable process to drive water management improvements across its global operations. Leveraging the strengths of both organizations, ADM has implemented 212 Ecolab projects globally since 2012 that have lowered energy and water usage while boosting operational performance.
Best practices delivered through technology and automation were critical to these successes. One example is the deployment of 160 3D TRASAR™ Cooling Water Technology units around the world. 3D TRASAR provides real-time monitoring and control of cooling systems to optimize water usage. The technology helps ADM reduce, reuse and recycle water within its plants and use graywater (recycled water) for its processes, increasing water resiliency at the local level.
As a result of its partnership with Ecolab, ADM has been able to operate more efficiently while conserving natural resources. This has significantly reduced operational costs and helped the company achieve its sustainability goals.