Ecolab expert smiling at another person

Health, Wellness and Safety

We are committed to safety excellence.

At Ecolab, the safety of our employees, contractors and visitors is top priority and embedded into our company values. Our safety goals are simple: zero accidents, zero injuries and zero violations. This Goal Zero is a collective ambition which each employee must commit to own and deliver on every day of the year. Year-on-year, we also strive to incrementally improve safety at all our sites to protect employees and communities.

In 2023, we continued our commitment
to safety excellence.

Safety On the Road

Keeping our associates safe when they are on the road is one of our top priorities. Ecolab’s more than 26,000 sales-and-service associates regularly drive to and from customer locations. Continuous driver safety training is key to achieving our safety goal and part of our commitment to do all we can to improve driving behaviors and keep our teams safe behind the wheel.

Our focus on innovation and technology has helped us improve driver behavior and enhance driver safety. As a result, we have reduced our total vehicle accident rate by 38% per million miles driven since 2019. Our severe vehicle accident rate remains lower than the benchmark, at 0.07 per one million miles driven.

More than

17,000 Drivers

Used the Virtual Risk Manager MentorSM eDriving application, a smartphone app that not only identifies risky driving behavior, but also remediates it with in-app micro-training and driver self-improvement efforts based on in-app feedback.

Safety Through Training

Training plays a major role in our efforts to reduce accidents and injuries. All Ecolab divisions provide basic safety training to newly hired sales-and-service associates. In 2023, 91% of new hires completed required safety training within their first 30 days of employment. And training is translating into results. In 2023, our global total recordable incident rate decreased by 1%* year-over-year, and our lost-time incident rate decreased by 13%** year-over-year in North America.

*Reflects 2023 data compared to 2022 data from global sites
**Reflects 2023 data compared to 2022 data in North America

Progress in Safety

48% Decrease

In total recordable incident rate since 2013, globally

42% Decrease

In lost-time incident rate since 2016, North America

38% Decrease

In total vehicle accident rate in the past five years, globally

41% Decrease

In severe vehicle accident rate in the past five years, globally 

See Our 2023 Growth & Impact Report


2023 Safety Metrics

Number of incidents per 200,000 working hours

2022 2023 % Change vs 2022
North America 1.47 1.34 -9%
Greater China 0.05 0.02 -60%
Europe 0.45 0.60 33%
International Markets 0.36 0.41 14%
TOTAL 0.88 0.87 -1%

Number of incidents with lost days per 200,000 hours worked

2022 2023 % Change vs 2022
North America 0.67 0.58 -13%

Number of vehicular accidents per million miles driven

2022 2023 % Change vs 2022
North America 2.12 1.95 -8%
Greater China 0.42 0.38 -10%
Europe 2.88 2.65 -8%
International Markets 1.96 1.84 -6%
TOTAL 2.14 1.98 -7%

Number of severe vehicular accidents per million miles driven

2022 2023 % Change vs 2022
Global 0.06 0.07 17%

*Includes fatalities, bodily injuries, vehicle rollovers, incidents involving drugs and/or alcohol and environmental spills to ground or waterways

2022 2023 % Change vs 2022
Ecolab Employees 0 1 100%
Contract Employees 0 0 0%

Number of occupational illnesses per 200,000 working hours

2022 2023 % Change vs 2022
North America 0.06 0.09 50%
Greater China 0.00 0.00 0%
Europe 0.06 0.00 -100%
International Markets 0.07 0.04 -43%
TOTAL 0.06 0.05 -17%

Latin America ISO Certificates

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ISO 9001:2015
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ISO 14001:2015
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ISO 45001:2018